The front panel, Symbols and conventions – Grass Valley Imagestore 750 v.3.0.1 User Manual
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Imagestore 750
User Manual
The Front Panel
The front panel has a 16×2 alphanumeric display which is used for status and for configuration.
It is used in connection with a 4-position joystick:
Fig. 2-7: Imagestore 750 front panel display and joystick
Using the joystick, an operator can navigate efficiently through a fairly large menu system. The
menu system is hierarchical. See Appendix A for a complete description of the menu.
Moving the joystick down has two functions, depending on the current position in the menu
It accesses the first item in the list of items belonging to the menu currently displayed.
If the current menu item has no list of items (i.e., it is a leaf node in the menu tree), the item is
an operand and moving the joystick down selects the value of the operand as the current
value of the parameter it represents.
Moving the joystick up causes the display to go up one level in the menu tree. At the top level,
moving the joystick up has no effect.
Moving the joystick left or right selects the previous, or next, item in the list of items at the
current menu level.
Symbols and Conventions
Where this user manual discusses joystick input, it represents the 4 positions of the joystick with
the terms ‘[esc]’, ‘[enter]’ or the arrow icons
At times, additional symbols are shown on the top line of the display, at the right hand edge.
These highlight the state of either the A/B Mixer (video or audio) or the keyers. These symbols
Source A
Source B
Intermediate state, transition being processed.
↑ Image/voice-over keyed up (to air)
↓ Image/voice-over keyed down (from air)
Fade to black
Fade to silence