Ftp interface, Media transfer via ftp, Introduction – Grass Valley Imagestore 750 v.3.0.1 User Manual
Page 205: Login credentials, 10 ftp interface, Introduction login credentials, Topics

FTP Interface
Chapter 10 provides information about transferring media to the Imagestore 750 via FTP.
Example FTP Client - Windows Explorer
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Media transfer via FTP
It is recommended that a media management system is used to transfer media to the
Imagestore 750.
However, in the absence of a media management system, it is recommended that media is
transferred to the Imagestore 750 via FTP. GUI-based or command-line-driven FTP client
software utilities are freely available on most platforms and are installed by default on many.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to
another host over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet. The Imagestore 750 provides an
FTP interface.
Login Credentials
The default Imagestore 750 FTP server login credentials are case-sensitive and are:
User name: miranda
Password: password
Note: Miranda reserves the right to change the defaults if necessary. In case of difficulty logging
in, please contact Miranda support.
For more details on FTP etc, please contact Miranda support.