Router sources – Grass Valley Imagestore 750 v.3.0.1 User Manual
Page 101

Imagestore 750
User Manual
Not every Imagestore 750 needs to control an aux device. If you leave the aux destination field
blank, the Imagestore 750 will not control any aux device and the aux source buttons of iMC
control panels will be disabled when they are controlling these Imagestore 750s..
Note: When iMC panels have dedicated monitor walls, it is unlikely that auxiliary video monitors
will be used to display their channels’ aux source selections. Despite this, it is necessary to define
unique ‘Destination feeding AUX bus’ entries for every channel so that aux source switches can
be tallied back to the controlling panel(s). These destinations must differ from any iMC panel
‘monitor wall AUX destination’ entries to avoid router conflicts as panels change ownership
between different channel processors.
Router Sources
Please see
Router Sources (Fed by PGM, PST, CLN, and MON Outputs)
Router Source (Fed by BLACK/SILENCE)
Router Source (Fed by USER 1-20)
for additional information.
These settings are somewhat related to the MCS Panel Configuration Editor’s monitor wall
settings. (See
In the Imagestore 750 Configurator, select the router sources that are fed by:
Program output
Preset (a.k.a. preview) output
Clean-feed output
Monitor output
User sources 1–20
In the Imagestore 750 Configurator, choose the ‘System Settings’ tab under ‘Configuration
Mode’ and open the ‘Master Control > Router Sources’ branch of the navigation tree at the left.
Fig. 5-29: Imagestore Configurator - Master Control, Router Sources