Grass Valley Imagestore 750 v.3.0.1 User Manual

Page 238

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Store 1 Key

Selects a copy of DSK 1 store key as the Clean Feed Output

Store 2 Fill

Selects a copy of DSK 2 store fill as the Clean Feed Output

Store 2 Key

Selects a copy of DSK 2 store key as the Clean Feed Output

Store 3 Fill

Selects a copy of DSK 3 store fill as the Clean Feed Output

Store 3 Key

Selects a copy of DSK 3 store key as the Clean Feed Output

Store 4 Fill

Selects a copy of DSK 4 store fill as the Clean Feed Output

Store 4 Key

Selects a copy of DSK 4 store key as the Clean Feed Output

SDI Fill-1

Selects a copy of SDI Fill-1 as the Clean Feed Output

SDI Key-1

Selects a copy of SDI Key-1 as the Clean Feed Output

SDI Fill-2

Selects a copy of SDI Fill-2 as the Clean Feed Output

SDI Key-2

Selects a copy of SDI Key-2 as the Clean Feed Output

Monitor Output

Program o/p

Selects a copy of PGM OUT as the Monitor Output

Preview o/p

Selects a copy of PVW OUT as the Monitor Output


Selects a copy of SDI A as the Monitor Output


Selects a copy of SDI B as the Monitor Output


Selects a copy of SDI C as the Monitor Output


Selects a copy of SDI D as the Monitor Output


Selects a copy of the program AB mix output as the Monitor Output


Selects a copy of the preview AB mix output as the Monitor Output


Selects a copy of PGM DVE output as the Monitor Output. The output seen with the PGM DVE
output depends on the current DVE Configuration.

PGM DSK1 o/p

Selects output from PGM DSK1 as the Monitor Output

PGM DSK2 o/p

Selects output from PGM DSK2 as the Monitor Output

PGM DSK3 o/p

Selects output from PGM DSK3 as the Monitor Output

Store 1 Fill

Selects a copy of DSK 1 store fill as the Monitor Output

Store 1 Key

Selects a copy of DSK 1 store key as the Monitor Output

Store 2 Fill

Selects a copy of DSK 2 store fill as the Monitor Output

Store 2 Key

Selects a copy of DSK 2 store key as the Monitor Output

Store 3 Fill

Selects a copy of DSK 3 store fill as the Monitor Output

Store 3 Key

Selects a copy of DSK 3 store key as the Monitor Output

Store 4 Fill

Selects a copy of DSK 4 store fill as the Monitor Output

Store 4 Key

Selects a copy of DSK 4 store key as the Monitor Output

SDI Fill-1

Selects a copy of SDI Fill-1 as the Monitor Output

SDI Key-1

Selects a copy of SDI Key-1 as the Monitor Output

SDI Fill-2

Selects a copy of SDI Fill-2 as the Monitor Output

SDI Key-2

Selects a copy of SDI Key-2 as the Monitor Output

Colour 1

Selects a copy of Color field 1 as the Monitor Output

Colour 2

Selects a copy of Color field 2 as the Monitor Output

Colour 3

Selects a copy of Color field 3 as the Monitor Output

Colour 4

Selects a copy of the V-fade color as the Monitor Output

Pattern 1

Selects a copy of Test Pattern 1 as the Monitor Output

Pattern 2

Selects a copy of Test Pattern 2 as the Monitor Output


Selects a copy of program DVE Input 1 as the Monitor Output


Selects a copy of program DVE Input 2 as the Monitor Output


Selects a copy of preview DVE Input 1 as the Monitor Output


Selects a copy of preview DVE Input 2 as the Monitor Output


AB Mixer

Cut A/B

Cuts the audio AB mixer between the A/B inputs

Cut To A

Cuts the audio AB mixer to the A input

Cut To B

Cuts the audio AB mixer to the B input