5 p1: eia-232 connector, 6 sw1: tb5 port 3 termination switch, 7 tb5 and tb6: eia-485 modbus ports – RLE LD5200 V.2.3 User Manual
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LD5200 User Guide
Connect the alarm relay wires to TB4 as follows:
TB4-1 Leak alarm normally open (NO)
TB4-2 Leak alarm common (C)
TB4-3 Leak alarm normally closed (NC)
TB4-4 Fault alarm normally open (NO)
TB4-5 Fault alarm common (C)
TB4-6 Fault alarm normally closed (NC)
TB4-7 Leak alarm normally open (NO)
TB4-8 Leak alarm common (C)
TB4-9 Leak alarm normally closed (NC)
TB4-10 Fault alarm normally open (NO)
TB4-11 Fault alarm common (C)
TB4-12 Fault alarm normally closed (NC)
Both relays (all alarms) can be configured to be latched or unlatched. A latched alarm requires
a manual reset of the system once a leak or cable problem is no longer present; see
for configuration instructions.
2.3.5 P1:
An EIA-232 connection allows the LD5200 to be connected directly to a terminal or PC. The
EIA-232 uses a baud rate of 9600. The EIA-232 port is set to 8 databits, no parity, and 1 stop
bit (8, N, 1). A straight through cable should be used to connect a terminal or PC to the
LD5200 via the EIA-232 connector. This connection should only be used by advanced users
for specialized operations, including advanced diagnostics, uploading firmware, and
2.3.6 SW1: TB5 Port 3 Termination Switch
The switch position numbered 2 on SW1, when switched on (down position), places a
termination resistor across the + and - terminals of the EIA-485 port. This is used when the
TB5 connection on the LD5200 is the last unit on a EIA-485 network. SW1, switch position 1,
is currently inactive.
2.3.7 TB5 and TB6: EIA-485 Modbus Ports
TB5 and TB6 connect to an EIA-485 network. A grounded shield contact is provided for
connection to shielded cable. If the shield contact is used, verify the power connector is
properly grounded and there is no voltage potential between units on the network.The EIA-
485 ports have a selectable baud rate (9600, 19200, or 38400) and are set to 8 databits, no
parity, and 1 stop bit (8, N, 1). Connect the EIA-485 wires to TB5 and TB6 as follows:
TB5, EIA-485 port 3
TB5-1 A (+)
TB5-2 B (-)
TB5-3 Shield
TB6 (top row) EIA-485 port 1
TB6-1 A (+)
TB6-2 B (-)
TB6-3 Shield