A. remote control operation, Channel number, Appendix a. remote control operation – Comtech EF Data SNM-1000 User Manual
Page 149
The commands listed in this appendix are M&C remote commands used with other
modems in the network.
Status queries are always safe. However, exercise caution when issuing an
SDM-300A M&C command. Some commands can produce an undesirable
result if executed on an active/installed SNM-1000 MIDAS node. For
example; the IF Loopback command “MC IFL_ON” will cause the
SNM-1000 to disengage from the MIDAS control channel. Reconnecting the
control channel would only be possible by taking the modem out of IF
Loopback via the front panel or a local M&C command.
• Firmware
number: FW/6535-3G
• Software
version: 4.1.5
Note: The firmware referenced in this manual may be an earlier version of the actual
firmware supplied with the unit.
A.1 Channel
Channel number
ignored. Channel 0 is valid for an SNM-1000 Node Control modem and channels 1
through 30 are valid for external traffic modems attached to the SNM-1000 such as
SDM-300s, SDM-6000s, etc.