Zilog Z86193 User Manual
Page 92

User Manual
Counters and Timers
82). When the Prescaler Counter reaches its end-of-count, the initial value is reloaded and
counting continues. The prescaler never actually reaches 0. For example, if the prescaler is
set to divide-by-three, the count sequence is:
Each time the prescaler reaches its end of count a carry is generated, that allows the
Counter/Timer to decrement by one on the next timer clock input. When the Counter/
Timer and the prescaler both reach the end-of-count, an interrupt request is generated
(IRQ4 for T0, IRQ5 for T1). Depending on the counting mode selected, the Counter/Timer
either comes to rest with its value at
(SINGLE-PASS Mode) or the initial value is
automatically reloaded and counting continues (Continuous Mode). The counting modes
are controlled by bit 0 of PRE0 and bit 0 of PRE1 (see
on page 84). A 0, written
to this bit configures the counter for Single-pass counting mode, while a 1 written to this
bit configures the counter for Continuous mode.
The Counter/Timer can be stopped at any time by setting the Enable Count bit to 0, and
restarted by setting it back to 1. The Counter/Timer continues its count value at the time it
was stopped. The current value in the Counter/Timer can be read at any time without
affecting the counting operation.
The prescaler registers are write-only and cannot be read.
New initial values can be written to the prescaler or the Counter/Timer registers at any
time. These values are transferred to their respective down counters on the next load oper-
ation. If the Counter/Timer mode is continuous, the next load occurs on the timer clock
following an end-of-count. New initial values should be written before the load operation,
because the prescalers always effectively operate in Continuous count mode.
The time interval (i) until end-of-count, is given by the equation:
i = t
in which t = four times the internal clock period.
The internal clock frequency defaults to the external clock source (XTAL, ceramic resona-
tor, and others) divided by 2. Some Z8 microcontrollers allow this divisor to be changed
via the Stop Mode Recovery register. See the product data sheet for available clock divisor
t is equal to eight divided-by-XTAL frequency of the external clock source for T1 (exter-
nal clock mode only).
p = the prescaler value (1–63) for T
and T
The minimum prescaler count of 1 is achieved by loading
. The maximum pres-
caler count of 63 is achieved by loading
v = the Counter/Timer value (1–256)
- Z86233 Z86243 Z86733 Z86743 Z86C02 Z86C04 Z86C08 Z86C15 Z86C21 Z86C30 Z86C31 Z86C33 Z86C36 Z86C40 Z86C43 Z86C61 Z86C62 Z86C63 Z86C65 Z86C83 Z86C90 Z86C91 Z86C93 Z86C96 Z86E02 Z86E03 Z86E04 Z86E06 Z86E07 Z86E08 Z86E15 Z86E21 Z86E30 Z86E31 Z86E33 Z86E34 Z86E40 Z86E43 Z86E44 Z86E61 Z86E63 Z86E83 Z86K15 Z86L02 Z86L04 Z86L08 Z86L16 Z8E000 Z8E001 Z8PE003