Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual
Page 442

i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Programmer’s Reference
9. Toggle the values of the data points. By default, the subject data points have pre-defined ON
(100.0 1) and OFF (0.0 0) presets, as specified in the root/config/template/lonworks/Dp/
#0000000000000000[0].SNVT_switch.xml file. These presets are specified in the
LonFormat="UCPTvalueDef"> property. Because these data points have presets defined for them, you can toggle their values in the following two ways: • Change the preset (the property) to ON or OFF. • Delete the preset, and change the formatted value (the LonFormat="#0000000000000000[0].SNVT_switch"> property) to 100.0 1 or 0.0 0. This is because if you pass in both the 10. Click Write. This calls the Data Server’s Write function and returns the updated values of the subject data points. For more information on using the Data Server Write function, including how to write formatted
attribute and a
Write function, the
data point—unless it references an invalid value.
values and presets, see section 4.3.5, Using the Write Function on the Data Server.