Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual
Page 243

i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Programmer’s Reference
Property Description
was last updated, in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
UTC is the current term for what was commonly referred to as
Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT). Zero (0) hours UTC is
midnight in Greenwich England, which lies on the zero
longitudinal meridian. Universal time is based on a 24 hour
clock; therefore, an afternoon hour such as 4 pm UTC would be
expressed as 16:00 UTC. The Z appended to the timestamp
indicates that it is in UTC. It can be left out.
For example, 2002-08-15T10:13:13Z indicates a UTC time of
10:13:13 AM on August 15, 2002.
If it is not UTC, time shift has to be defined:
A user-defined description of the network variable. This can be
a maximum of 201 characters long.
The name of the file on the SmartServer flash disk containing
the configuration of the network variable. This property is
LON_Dp_Cfg.htm by default.
• The network variable’s program ID; data type (SNVT,
SCPT, UNVT, UCPT, or built-in data type); and format
(e.g., SI metric or US customary if the type has multiple
formats such as SNVT_temp_p). The format description is
displayed in the following format:
#<manufacturer ID>[scope selector].<type name>[#format] .
This determines many factors about the network variable,
including the type of values it takes and its base type. This
could be any standard (SNVT) format type included in the
resource files on the SmartServer, or any user-defined (UNVT)
format type included in resource files uploaded to the
SmartServer. For more information on the resource files, see
SmartServer Resource Files.
If you do not set this property, it is set to RAW_HEX and the
network variable uses raw hex values.
The SNVT format types included in the SmartServer resource
files are also listed and described in the SNVT Master List,
which can be downloaded from Echelon’s Support Web site at:
Specifies the size (in bytes) of the network variable.
Specifies whether the network variable is an input data point
(DIR_IN), output data point (DIR_OUT), or has an unspecified
direction (DIR_NUL).
A flag indicating that the value stored in the network variable
persists through SmartServer reboots. If this property is set to 1,
the last network variable value is stored in the