Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual
Page 264

i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Programmer’s Reference
Property Description
states (on/off).
• MTT_C_MO [Coil Functions (Functions 1 & 15
multi-write)]. For multiple coils. Single bit, read-write
data that has two states (on/off).
• MTT_DI [Discrete Input (Function 2)]. Single bit,
read-only data that has two states (on/off).
• MTT_IR [Input Register (Function 4)]. 16-bit read-only
data that can be interpreted as a numeric value, a bit map, or
an ASCII character.
• MTT_HR [Hold Register (Functions 3 & 6 single-write)].
For a single register. 16-bit write data that can be
interpreted as a numeric value, a bit map, or an ASCII
• MTT_HR_M [Hold Register (Functions 3 & 16
multi-write)]. For multiple registers. 16-bit write data that
can be interpreted as a numeric value, a bit map, or an
ASCII character. This is the default.
The start address of the register to be used to read or write to the
data point. If the
bits, you can select the start and stop bits in the address.
The Modbus driver is configured to ensure that the start and stop
addresses remain consistent with the
This means that if
automatically updated to fit the desired length. Similarly, if the
changed, the
The stop address of the register to be used to read or write to the
data point.
The start bit of a Modbus data word.
The length of an Modbus data word in bits
The ordering scheme to be used for interpreting Modbus data.
This property may be one of the following values:
• DO_BIG_ENDIAN. The highest order byte of data is sent
first and all subsequent bytes of data are arranged from
highest to lowest order. This is the default.
• DO_LITTLE_ENDIAN. Lowest order byte of data is sent
first, and each subsequent byte is arranged from lowest to
highest order
• DO_BYTE_SWAP. Data is first arranged from highest to
lowest order, but every pair of bytes in the structure is