4 soap functions, 1 list functions, Soap functions -5 – Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual
Page 38: List functions -5, Soap functions

i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Programmer’s Reference
Precision – Single floats always use 7 digits of precision, including digits before and after the decimal
point. Double floats always use 14 digits of precision. For the rest of the base types, precision is
determined by the type definition
Digit Grouping Symbol – Always comma ","
Digit Grouping – Always in the form "123,456,789"
Negative Sign Symbol – Always the minus sign "-"
Negative Number Format – Always "-1.1"; negative symbol in front, and no space between the
symbol and the number
List Separators – If the format uses the localized list separator symbol vertical bar "|", the i.LON
SmartServer will replace it with comma ",". However, if you define a new type in the NodeBuilder
Resource Editor which is a structure, array or union, the default list separator is space " ". The
localized list separator must be explicitly specified in the format.
Measurement System – The SmartServer does not use localization settings for measurement system.
The measurement system used to display a formatted value is determined by the
UCPTformatDescription property of the data point. For example, if you have a data point whose
format is defined as SNVT_temp_f#US, then the UCPTvalue written to a data point Read function will
be in Fahrenheit.
If that data point is an input to the Alarm Generator, then the format of a property which specifies a
comparison value, a delta, or an offset like UCPThighLimit2Offset will also be in US units when you
read it with a Get function. Furthermore, you would have to use US units when setting the property
with a Set function.
You should note that the value stored in the XML file will always be in SI units so that XML files may
be shared between SmartServers. The rule used by the applications is that the format of the primary
data point for the application instance determines the format of measurement system dependent
properties, like offsets, comparison values and deltas.
SOAP Functions
The SOAP interface includes a generic set of List, Get, Set, and Delete functions that can be used by
the SmartServer applications. Together, these functions make up a symmetric interface. You can use
the response from the List function as the input to the Get function. You can use the response from the
Get function as the input to the Set function.
The SOAP interface also includes Read and Write methods that can be use to read and write values to
the data points on the Data Server, read entries in a data log, alarm log, or scheduler or calendar event
log, and update entries in an alarm log. The Read and Write functions also provide a symmetric
interface. You can use the output from the Read function as the basis for your input to the Write
This section provides an overview of the functions in the SOAP interface, and it briefly describes how
you can use them.
List Functions
Use the List function to retrieve the names of the application instances or items of a specific type on
the SmartServer. For example, the List function can return a list containing the names of the Alarm
Generators, Data Loggers, Schedulers, or other functional blocks representing the SmartServer’s
embedded applications that have been instantiated. Similarly, you can use the List function to return a
list of the data points on the Data Server (Dp_Cfg), or retrieve a list of the channels (Channel_Cfg), the
application devices (LON_Device_Cfg), the Modbus devices (MOD_Device_Cfg), and
other network items on the SmartServer.