Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual

Page 238

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i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Programmer’s Reference


Property Description

was last updated, in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

UTC is the current term for what was commonly referred to as
Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT). Zero (0) hours UTC is
midnight in Greenwich England, which lies on the zero
longitudinal meridian. Universal time is based on a 24 hour
clock; therefore, an afternoon hour such as 4 pm UTC would be
expressed as 16:00 UTC. The Z appended to the timestamp
indicates that it is in UTC. It can be left out.

For example, 2002-08-15T10:13:13Z indicates a UTC time of
10:13:13 AM on August 15, 2002.

If it is not UTC, time shift has to be defined:

A user-defined description of the functional block. This can be
a maximum of 201 characters long.

The name of the file on the SmartServer flash disk containing
the configuration of the functional block. This property is
LON_Fb_Cfg.htm by default.

The input and output data points encapsulated by the functional
block are signified by an array of elements. Each
element includes “dpType” and “discrim”
attributes signifying the data point’s programmatic name, as
defined by the functional profile template, and the data point’s

Each element contains the following two

. The name of the data point in the

following format: <network/channel/device/functional
/data point>.

. The data point's program ID;

data type (SNVT, SCPT, UNVT, UCPT, or built-in data
type); and format (e.g., SI metric or US customary if the
type has multiple formats such as SNVT_temp_p). The
format description is displayed in the following format:

#[scope selector].[#format]

The index number of the functional block within its associated
device. When you use the Set function to modify the
configuration of an existing functional block, you must specify
the functional block’s index.

The functional profile that is valid for this functional block in
the following format: #<device program ID>[scope selector].
unctional profile name>. This field is read-only.

The scope selector specifies the context in which the network
variables and configuration properties within a functional block
are interpreted. The scope selector may be any of the following