Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual
Page 275

i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Programmer’s Reference
Property Description
10:13:13 AM on August 15, 2002.
If it is not UTC, time shift has to be defined:
A user-defined description of the M-Bus device. This can be a
maximum of 201 characters long.
The name of the file on the SmartServer flash disk containing
the configuration of the M-Bus device. This property is always
The handle assigned to the M-Bus device assigned by the
SmartServer. When you use the Set function to modify the
configuration of an existing M-Bus device, you must specify the
device’s handle. If you do not specify the handle, a new M-Bus
device is created. You cannot use the Set function to modify
the handle assigned to the M-Bus device.
• The baud rate (bits per second [bps)] at which the M-Bus
device communicates on the serial port. See the
documentation for your M-Bus device for more information
on supported baud rates. The default value is MS_2400.
This property may be one of the following values:
• MS_300
• MS_600
• MS_1200
• MS_2400
• MS_4800
• MS_9600
Specifies whether the device uses the Frame Count-Bit (FCB)
for sending requests. The default value is 1.
Specifies whether the device uses the Frame Count Valid Bit
(FCV) for sending requests. The default value is 1.
set to 1, you can select the C field in the M-Bus request
0x4b fcv=0 fcb=0
0x5b fcv=1 fcb=0
0x6b fcv=0 fcb=1
0x7b fcv=1 fcb=1
Multi-Telegram Support
If a total answer sequence from a device will not fit into a single
RSP_UD telegram from the M-Bus device to the SmartServer,
the last DIF is set to 0x1f. The SmartServer signals by a toggled
FCB-Bit together with a set FCV-Bit in the next REQ_UD
telegram that the last RSP_UD-telegram has been properly