Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual

Page 350

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i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Programmer’s Reference


hexadecimal format.

Maximum Age

Specify the maximum age (in seconds) to be written to the target
data points on the WebBinder destination when the local
SmartServer sends updated values to them.

If the WebBinder destination cannot communicate with the parent
device of the target data point, the WebBinder destination caches
the updated value it received from the local SmartServer. When the
device goes online, the cached value is written to the target data
point provided that time the value has been cached is less than the
maximum age. If the value has been cached longer than the
maximum age, the value is not written to the target data point.

g. Click Submit to save the changes.

11. You can open a Web browser and enter the IP address of your Web service, such as This lets you test the Web page for Service1,
where the Write function is the available Web service. The SmartServer will consume this Web
service when it makes WebBinder calls.

12. Create a Web connection between a source data point on your SmartServer and the WebBinder

Target Server. To do this follow these steps:

a. From the navigation pane in the left frame of the SmartServer Web interface, right-click a

source data point and then click Add Binding in the shortcut menu.

b. The Configure – WebBinder Web page opens and the hostnames of the local SmartServer

and the WebBinder Target server appear in the application frame to the right. The host
devices in the right frame are collectively referred to as WebBinder Destinations.

c. From the Webbinder Destinations tree on the right frame, expand the WebBinder Target

Server containing the target data points to be connected and then click the ***Target*** item
below it.