Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual

Page 330

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i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Programmer’s Reference


b. In the URL or Address box, enter the following address:

http://SmartServer IP address/WSDL/v4.0/iLON100.WSDL

SmartServer IP address represents the IP address of the SmartServer your application is to

Note: All examples in this section can also be applied to LNS Proxy Web service. The LNS
Proxy supports the same WSDL as the SmartServer Web service; therefore, the same
programming model can be applied to program a LNS network database in a transparent
manner. To program a LNS Proxy Web service instead of a SmartServer, enter the URL of
the LNS Proxy in this form:

http://LNS Proxy IP address/LnsProxy/LnsProxyService?wsdl

c. Click Go.

d. In the Web Reference Name box, enter a name for the Web reference. You will use this

name when you instantiate the Web services object because it becomes a name for the proxy
class that is generated automatically by Visual Studio .NET. This is described in more detail
in the next section. This example uses “iLON_SmartServer” for the name of the Web