3 using the set function on a type translator, Using the set function on a type translator -5 – Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual

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i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Programmer’s Reference


Property Description

enumeration). In this case, the value of the output data point
will be updated with the value of the input data point each
time a translation is made.


The input and output data points that the Type Translator
will translate are signified by a list of
elements. Each element contains the following
three properties:

. The name of the data point in the

following format: <network/channel/device/functional
/data point>.

. The data point's program

ID; data type (SNVT, SCPT, UNVT, UCPT, or built-in
data type); and format (e.g., SI metric or US customary
if the type has multiple formats such as
SNVT_temp_p). The format description is displayed
in the following format:

#[scope selector].


. A user-defined name for the data
point that is used to reference the data point. You can
use this property to reference a data point in the
and properties in a type
translation. By default, the nickname of the data point
is the data point’s name.

For example, a data point with a of
“Net/LON/iLON App/VirtFb/nvoLevDisc” has a
default of “nvoLevDisc”.

Chapter 12 describes the Type Translator Rules provided
with the SmartServer software, and the format types that
each rule requires for the input data points.


Using the Set Function on a Type Translator

You can use the Set function to create new type translators, or to overwrite the configuration of
existing type translators. The type translators to be created or written to are signified by a list of
elements in the input you supply to the function. The properties you must define within each


element are the same, whether you are creating a new type translator or modifying an existing

type translator. The previous section, Using the Get Function on a Type Translator, describes these

Note: If you specify a type translator with the element, the Set function deletes the
specified type translator before the specified parameters are set. If the element is not
specified, a new type translator is created.

The first invocation of the Set function will generate the
#8000010128000000[4].UFPTtypeTranslator.xml file in the
root/config/network///iLONApp || directory of the SmartServer, if the
file does not already exist.