Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual

Page 325

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i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Programmer’s Reference


c. In the URL or Address box, enter the following address:

http://SmartServer IP address/WSDL/v4.0/iLON100.WSDL

SmartServer IP address represents the IP address of the SmartServer your application is to

If you are using the system information methods to read system information and modify the
SmartServer’s configuration, enter the following address in the URL or Address box:

http://SmartServer IP address/WSDL/v4.0/iLON100_System.wsdl

See Chapter 19 for more information on using the system information methods, and see
Chapter 22 for sample code demonstrating how to use the system information methods.

Note: All examples in this section can also be applied to LNS Proxy Web service. The LNS
Proxy supports the same WSDL as the SmartServer Web service; therefore, the same
programming model can be applied to program a LNS network database in a transparent
manner. To program a LNS Proxy Web service instead of a SmartServer, enter the URL of
the LNS Proxy in this form:

http://LNS Proxy IP address/LnsProxy/LnsProxyService?wsdl

d. Click Go. The SmartServer’s iLON100 WSDL file is displayed.