2 smartserver xml configuration files, 1 modifying the xml configuration files, Smartserver xml configuration files -2 – Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual
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i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Programmer’s Reference
manage these tasks. You can also create a Real-Time Cock to create events based on sunrise and
sundown times.
• Type Translation. You can use the Type Translator application to translate data from one network
variable data type to another. You will need to create Type Translators, and optionally Type
Translator Rules, to translate your data.
SmartServer XML Configuration Files
The configuration of each SmartServer application is stored in an XML file. You will use the
following XML files to configure the applications of your SmartServer:
The /root/config/software directory includes a sub-directory called TranslatorRules, which
contains several XML files you can use when configuring your Type Translators.
Note: The /root/config/software directory also contains a file called RNI.xml, which
contains configuration data used by the SmartServer remote network interface (RNI), and a file called
LSPA.xml, which contains configuration data used when the SmartServer connects to the
Protocol Analyzer. There is no SOAP interface for these applications, and you should
not manually edit the RNI.xml or LSPA.xml files. You can configure the RNI application using the
SmartServer Web pages. For more information on this, see the i.LON SmartSever User’s Guide. For
more information on the LonScanner Protocol Analyzer, see the LonScanner Protocol Analyzer User’s
Modifying the XML Configuration Files
Each application includes a Set function. You can use the Set function to create and write to the XML
file for that application. The SmartServer will modify the XML file, and the operating parameters of
the associated application, each time it receives a Set message.
As an alternative to using SOAP, you can modify the files manually using an ASCII-text or XML
editor, and then download them to the SmartServer via FTP. Echelon does not recommend this, as you
will need to reboot the SmartServer for it to read the downloaded files, and the SmartServer will not
perform error-checking on the downloaded XML files.