4 namespace, 5 soap message schema, 6 soap function types – Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual
Page 23: Namespace -9, Soap message schema -9, Soap function types -9
i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Programmer’s Reference
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15 No
The namespace uniquely identifies message names, parameters, and types within the message call. On
the SmartServer, the namespace identifier displays both the product name and the embedded software
version. This enables a mechanism to distinguish the SOAP interface of different Echelon products
and versions. To ensure that this string points to a unique name on the Internet, the namespace
includes the echelon.com domain suffix. For release 4.0 of the SmartServer the Namespace is as
SOAP Message Schema
Version 4.0 uses a single set of messages that are common to all applications. The message for
obtaining a list of items with a specific xSelect type is List. The messages for retrieving and modifying
configuration data consist of List, Get, Set, and Delete. The messages for retrieving and changing
dynamic data (for example, data point state and values) are Read and Write.
The Get, Set, and Delete messages and the Read and Write messages contain and return one element of
a collection type. There are only three Collection types which contain objects of one of the following
types: Item (for some request/responses), Item_Cfg (for configuration information), and Item_Data
(for state information).
All types defined in the schema part of the version 4.0 iLon100.wsdl file follow a strict naming
convention. The most important naming conventions you need to adhere to are as follows:
• The prefix used is always the destination separated be an “_”, e.g.: (for example,
UFPTalarmNotifier_ or Dp_)
• Configuration item types always inherit from Item_Cfg and have the postfix “_Cfg” (for example,
UFPTalarmNotifier_Cfg or Dp_Cfg).
• State item types always inherit from Item_Data and have the postfix “_Data” (for example, UFPTalarmNotifier_Data
or Dp_Data).
• Specialized item types have the postfix “_Invoke” and are used with the general Invoke method (for example,
SOAP Function Types
The Item type is the common base type for all other top level types which can be added to one of the
Item collections. It contains some common elements and attributes and the fault structure. The types
Item_Cfg and Item_Data inherit from Item; therefore, Item_Cfg is the base types for any configuration
information type, and Item_Data is the base type for any state information type.