EVCO EPH4DXP1CT Installer manual User Manual
Page 66
Evco S.p.A.
c-pro 3 CLIMA sistema | Installer manual ver.1.1 | Code 144CP3CSE114
page 66 of 74
DHW circuit circulation pump management (MCPS module) with setpoint
panel mode.
The controller for solar panels MCPS is able to manage a DHW tank with circulation pump.
The circulation pump is activated by temperature request of the DHW tank (upper DHW tank probe), if are used for
domestic water heating the heat pump or the boiler.
The pump activation of DHW circulation pump follows the power on delay time established by the appropriate
In addition to the request of the DHW tank, the DHW circulation pump can be activated during a spcial anti-grip or
antilegionella cycle.
The correct functioning of the circulation pumps is controller by a digital input which can be configured as pump
protection or supply flow-switch.
DHW tank work set-point (MCPS module) With DHW setpoint
The DHW working setpoint is manual established from the setpoint menu on the c-pro 3 hecto MCPS main menu.
According to the plant dimensions, the DHW tank can use only one temperature probe (DHW tank probe) or 2
temperature probes (upper and lower DHW tank probes).
If the DHW tank use two probes, the regulation of the temperature will be made when the lower and the upper water
reaches the working setpoint.
The DHW tank regulation differential is fixed and is -1°C.
DHW tank working setpoint (MCPS module) with panels setpoint type
The DHW tank working setpoint is manual established from the setpoint menu in the c-pro 3 hecto MCPS module
main menu.
The regulation of the temperature will be made when the upper DHW tank water reaches the working setpoint.
The DHW tank regulation differential is fixed and is -1°C.
Management of the AUX1 auxiliary circuit circulation pump
(MCPS module)
The MCPS solar panels controller can manage an AUX1 hot water auxiliary circuit with relative circulation pump.
Via the relevant parameter, the circulation pump can be managed as follows:
CONTINUOUS: the auxiliary circuit circulation pump will remain constantly activated with system ON and in
absence of blocking alarms.
TEMPERATURE REQUEST: with heating request by the AUX1 circuit (depending from work set-point and
differential), when the temperature of the DHW tank or of the solar panels circuit (depending on the value of
Control probe parameter) is over a value set by the (Offset ON) parameter at the temperature of the AUX1
circuit, then the AUX1 water circulation pump will be switched on, in a way to contribute with the heating of
the AUX1 circuit.
Whenever the difference between DHW tank (or solar panels circuit) temperature and AUX1 becomes lower
than a value set by (Offset OFF) parameter, the AUX1 circulation pump will be switched off.