1generalities, 1 description – EVCO EPH4DXP1CT Installer manual User Manual
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Evco S.p.A.
c-pro 3 CLIMA sistema | Installer manual ver.1.1 | Code 144CP3CSE114
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The climatic modules of the c-pro 3 CLIMA sistema series are devices studied for the air conditioning and the heating
of buildings.
They make use of the programmable controllers belonging to the c-pro 3 series and of the user interfaces belonging
to the same series.
They are available in built-in and in blind version with remote user interface (according to the kind of module).
They can be powered both in alternating and in direct current (24 VAC/20... 40 VDC).
The modules allow realizing an expandable and modular control device network distributed in the main rooms of the
building reducing the wiring work to a minimum: the modules c-pro 3 hecto MCCT can manage the thermal power
plant, the c-pro 3 hecto MCZN ones the air conditioning and the heating of two zones instead and the c-pro 3 hecto
MCPS ones finally the thermal solar panels.
The central module thermal MCCT is indispensable for the functioning of the system, it can be connected from one to
eight zones MCZN control modules, each of which can handle up to a maximum of six zones.
In total, thanks to this system can be operated up to a maximum of 48 zones in temperature and humidity.
The user interfaces can easily be integrated in residential and commercial rooms (at the front of the interfaces it is
possible to apply the plates CPVP or the plates belonging to the series “Living” and to the series “Light” Bticino).
All the modules have communication ports (programming, CAN, RS-485, with MODBUS communication protocol, etc.).
Through the programming port it is possible to make the upload and the download of the configuration parameters
(using the programming key EVKEY10); through the RS-485 one, with MODBUS communication protocol, it is possible
to connect the devices to the set-up software system Parameters Manager or to the plants monitoring and supervision
one RICS (through a serial interface) instead.
Through the CAN communication port it is possible to connect the devices among them.