Benelli Nova Tactical Shotgun User Manual

Page 85

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Kit per cal. 12 e cal. 20

Il kit prolunga “+2 colpi” e “+3 colpi” (solo
cal. 12) comprende: un cappellotto fissaggio
avente foro passante, una prolunga
tubo serbatoio,
un tappo per prolunga serba-
una molla serbatoio lunga ed un set
unione prolunga alla canna (fig. 46).

Prima di effettuare qualunque tipo di inter-
vento sul vostro fucile, accertatevi sempre
che camera di scoppio e serbatoio siano
completamente vuoti!
(Leggere attentamente
le istruzioni di caricamento e scaricamento

12 gauge and 20 gauge kit

The “+2 rounds” and “+3 rounds” (12 gauge
only) extension kit includes: a barrel retaining
with through hole, a magazine extension
, a plug for the magazine extension, a
long magazine spring and a set of clamps for
attaching the extension to the barrel (fig. 46).

Before starting any operation on your shot-
gun, make sure that the chamber and the
magazine are unloaded!
(Carefully read the
instructions on gun loading and unloading).

Kit pour cal. 12 et cal. 20

Le kit de prolongement “+2 coups” et “+3
coups” (seulement cal. 12) comprend: un cha-
peau de fixation canon
ayant un trou passant,
un prolongement tube de magasin, un bou-
chon pour le prolongement du magasin
, un
ressort de magasin long et un set de colliers
d’assemblage du prolongement au canon (fig.

Avant d’effectuer n’importe quel type d’in-
tervention sur votre fusil, toujours vérifier
que la chambre d’explosion et le magasin
sont complètement vides!
(Lire attentivement
les instructions de chargement et de déchar-
gement de l’arme).


This manual is related to the following products: