Carrier 48/50PM C16-28 User Manual
Page 43

S Fan Status Switch Off, Fan Contactor On
This alert occurs when the fan status switch has sensed that the
indoor fan has been off for 10 seconds and the indoor fan
feedback has determined that the indoor fan should be on.
Because the Fan Status switch can be configured normally
opened or closed, the switch might be open or closed. The
configuration for this switch input can be found at
→UNIT→FN.SW. Verify that the configuration
is set correctly. Verify the wiring and fan status switch. The hose
should be connected to the high side of the switch. If the IDF is
configured to shut down the unit down when this alert occurs
→UNIT→IDF.F = YES), then this alarm can
only be reset manually and the unit is shut down. If the IDF is
not configured to shut the unit down when this alert occurs
(IDF.F = NO), then this alert resets automatically and no specific
control action is taken.
Alert Code T410
S R−W1 Jumper Not Installed in Space Temp Mode
This alert occurs when the control mode is Space Temperature
mode via Auto Select or Space Temp Select, yet there is no
power to W1. Verify that space temperature mode is the desired
mode or add jumper between R and W1. This alert resets
S R−W1 Jumper Must be Installed to Run Heat in Service Test
This alert occurs when a request for a heat output has occurred
yet the W1 input is not high. A jumper must be installed
between R and W1 when trying to test heat in Service Test. The
alert will clear when Service Test is exited or if another Service
Test mode is selected. Remove jumper when done using Service
Test if the unit is operating with a thermostat. The jumper should
only be left in place if the unit is operating with a space
temperature probe.
Alert Code T411 − Thermostat Y2 Input Activated without
Y1 Activated
This alert occurs in Thermostat mode when Y2 is energized and
Y1 is not. Verify thermostat and thermostat wiring. When Y2 turns
On, the software will behave as if Y1 and Y2 are both On. When
Y2 turns Off, the software will behave as if Y1 and Y2 are both
Off. This alert resets automatically when Y1 is turned On.
Alert Code T412 – Thermostat W2 Input Activated without
W1 Activated
This alert occurs in Thermostat mode when W2 is energized and
W1 is not. Verify thermostat and thermostat wiring. When W2
turns On, the software will behave as if W1 and W2 are both On.
When W2 turns Off, the software will behave as if W1 and W2 are
both Off. This alert resets automatically when W1 is turned On.
Alert Code T413 – Thermostat Y and W Inputs Activated
This alert occurs in Thermostat mode when Y1 or Y2 is energized
simultaneously with W1 or W2. Verify thermostat and thermostat
wiring. The software will enter either the cooling or heating mode
depending upon which input turned on first. This alert resets
automatically when Y1 and Y2 are not on simultaneously with W1
and W2.
Alert Code T414
There are 6 different alerts under this one alert code. Pressing enter
and esc on the marquee or navigator to expand the T414 alert will
show you one of the below alerts. All these alerts are generated by
the Belimo actuator and reported to the ECB. These alerts can only
occur if the ECB is controlling the actuator digitally through MFT.
S Economizer Damper Actuator Out of Calibration
This alert occurs when the economizer actuator reports a control
angle (Operating Modes
→ECON→C.ANG) less than the
minimum control angle (Configuration
Initiate economizer calibration (Service Test
using the Service Test menu. The economizer calibration
procedure will try to find new maximum open and closed
positions. If the alert does not clear automatically after the
calibration procedure is complete, investigate what is limiting
economizer rotation. After that step, run another calibration, but
first power off unit (spring return the damper), loosen the
actuator clamp, and while pushing the damper closed, tighten the
clamp. This alert resets automatically.
S Economizer Damper Actuator Torque Above Load Limit
This alert occurs when the actuator load is too high. Investigate
to determine what is increasing damper load, and verify that the
actuator is the correct size for the unit. This alert resets
S Economizer Damper Actuator Hunting Excessively
This alert occurs when the commanded damper position is
changing too rapidly. The stop jog ratio must be less than 21%
to clear this alert. Leave the actuator powered with no signal for
a few hours to allow the ratio to decrease (may have to wait
longer than a few hours). If the alert continues, determine if the
ECB or actuator is bad. This alert resets automatically.
S Economizer Damper Stuck or Jammed
This alarm occurs when the actuator is no longer moving and the
actual position is greater than or less than 3% of the commanded
position for 20 seconds. Investigate what is stopping the rotation
of the actuator and fix. This alert resets automatically.
S Economizer Damper Actuator Mechanical Failure
This alert occurs when the actuator senses a catastrophic failure.
Investigate actuator and replace if necessary. This alert resets
S Economizer Damper Actuator Direction Switch Wrong Position
This alert occurs when the economizer damper direction switch
is in the wrong position. The direction switch should be in the
clockwise position and the actuator should be mounted so that
the CW face of the actuator is accessible. Correct if necessary.
This alert clears automatically.
48/50PG and PM