Metrohm 788 IC Filtration Sample Processor User Manual
Page 157

6.5 Initialize data memory
788 IC Filtration Sample Processor
x Prepare instrument for diagnostic test (see section 6.4.2).
x If need be, press <9> key repeatedly until
>RAM initialization
x Press
>RAM initialization
select: param
Set method parameters with default values.
>RAM initialization
select: config
Set config parameters with default values.
>RAM initialization
select: setup
Set setup parameters with default values.
>RAM initialization
select: assembly
Set assembly parameters with default values.
>RAM initialization
select: all
Set all above parameters with default values
and deletes all user-defined methods.
x Pressing the
vidual initialization alternatives are accessed using the
key, exit is with the
x The table shows which parts of the data memory are affected by the
corresponding initialization alternatives. When the instrument reacts
with a system crash after being switched on (undefined display, no
reactions to keystroke, etc.) we recommend to carry out the initializa-
tion with the submenu
x If need be, press the
>RAM initialization
select: all
x Press
>RAM test
x Press
The instrument quits the diagnostic menu and runs a power on reset.