10 rs232 error rectification – Metrohm 788 IC Filtration Sample Processor User Manual

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5 Interfaces

788 IC Filtration Sample Processor


5.2.10 RS232 error rectification


Questions for corrective action

No characters can be re-
ceived on an attached

Ÿ Are the devices switched on and the connecting cables

plugged in properly?

Ÿ Is the printer set to ”on-line”?

Ÿ Do the baud rate, data bits and parity for the two devices

have the same setting?

Ÿ Is the handshake set properly?

If everything appears ok, try to print out a report by pressing the

No data transmission oc-
curs and an error message
appears in the display of
the 788 IC Filtration Sam-
ple Processor.

Ÿ RS error 36}



}39: Receive errors.

Do the RS232 data transmission parameters of the two de-
vices have the same setting?

Ÿ RS error 40}



}42: transmission errors.

Is the cable used correctly wired and plugged in?
Is the printer switched on and set to ”on-line”?

Ÿ RS error 43: Data output of the 788 IC Filtration Sample

Processor blocked for longer than 3 s by XOFF.

The received characters
are garbled.

Ÿ Do the data bits and parity of the two devices have the same


Ÿ Does the baud rate of the two devices have the same setting?

Ÿ Is the correct printer selected?

Ÿ The data transfer has been interrupted by the hardware during

a printout. Set up connections again, switch printer off then