6 standard methods – Metrohm 788 IC Filtration Sample Processor User Manual
Page 105
4.6 Standard methods
788 IC Filtration Sample Processor
4.6 Standard methods
The following pages contain listings of standard user methods included
with the instrument with explanations of the important commands. They
are required if the full control of the 788 IC Filtration Sample Processor
is not done by the PC directly.
Therefore, the standard methods are required for the combination of the
788 IC Filtration Sample Processor with the following Metrohm IC sys-
x 761 Compact IC or 790 Personal IC (see section. 2.6). These
IC systems work as "Master" and hold the time control of the IC
x Modular Metrohm IC Systems, connected to the PC by the 714
PC Board or 771 IC Compact Interface. Using the PC soft-
ware «
IC Net» or «IC Metrodata», a remote control via an addi-
tional serial connection is possible (see section 2.6).
For this configuration, two different versions exist: Either the 788
IC Filtration Sample Processor controls the time steps of the IC
method (788 as "Master") or the 732 IC Detector and the con-
nected PC, respectively, hold this time control (732 as "Master").
The following table briefly describes all standard methods of the 788 IC
Filtration Sample Processor. In the following sections, they are ex-
plained for their usage in combination with the IC systems mentioned
above. The specific IC methods have to be programmed at the 732 IC
Detector, via the PC program «IC Net» or via the PC programs for com-
pact IC systems, respectively.
Only with the methods 'SP ' and 'SP Seg' the 788 IC Filtration Sample
Processor works as "Master". All other methods are programmed for
usage of the 732 IC detector or the compact IC systems 761 and 790
as "Master".
Method Name
Processing a queue with the PC program
PC Seg Like
additional insertion of an air bubble between the samples
Processing a queue with the PC program with 788 as "Master"
SP Seg Like
additional insertion of an air bubble between the samples
Processing a queue with 761 Compact IC or 790 Personal IC
761 Seg Like
additional insertion of an air bubble between the samples
An Cat
Simultaneous determination of anions and cations
AnCatSeg Like
'An Cat',
add. insertion of an air bubble between the samples
Preconcentration of samples in an preconcentration column
Determination with automatic sample dialysis