Scale factor, Feed rate, Display: peck\pass – ACU-RITE MILLPWRG2 User Manual
Page 196: Scale factor feed rate display: peck\pass, 1 set u p

9 Setup
9.1 Set
Scale Factor
Scale factor is a multiplier that lets you expand or shrink the print’s
dimensions without performing complex calculations, or affecting the
proportion of your part. Enter the number that the dimensions should
be multiplied by, then run the program normally. MILLPWR
adjust the programmed dimensions (but not the tool size)
There is no limit, or restrictions when using a scale factor.
scale default setting is 1.0000. A value greater than
1.0000 will increase the part’s dimensions; a value less than 1.0000
will reduce them. This is saved to the configuration block and will be
remembered until it is changed to a new setting.
will display the current scale factor in the status bar at the
top of the display screen.
To change the scale factor
In Job Setup, highlight the SCALING field, and enter the
multiplication factor.
Press the USE key.
Feed Rate
The parameters set here will be used as the default by MILLPWR
and will only change if it is modified in any of the milling functions
Highlight the Default field, and specify the inches per minute. Also
select the unit of measure, Inch or MM by pressing the appropriate
soft key.
Next, highlight the DRY RUN field, and enter the inches per minute
that is required. The default is 80 IPM.
Display: Peck\Pass
Enter either the Number of Cycles or the Distance between each cut.
This applies to the Z axis depth of cut. This setting acts a little different
depending on what function has been selected.
When drilling a hole, the Number of Cycles refers to the number of
times the drill retracts to clear the debris from the hole. If Distance is
used instead, it would mean how deep the drill plunges before it
Similarly, if milling, and using a flat end mill, Distance will mean the
depth of each pass. Number of Cycles will mean how many times the
end mill make a pass, cutting material away each time.
The number of pecks or passes is limited to 9999
maximum. The distance is limited to 0.0002” (0.005 mm)
or greater.