Retract z, Using an electronic edge finder, Retract z using an electronic edge finder – ACU-RITE MILLPWRG2 User Manual
Page 101: 1 con v ersational pr ogr a mming

6.1 Con
ersational Pr
Retract Z
Now either enter the Z axis retract position (the position that the quill
should return to between steps) which is the location above the top
surface of your part.
Or press the CLEAR key to clear the value. If no value is set, the quill
will retract to the upper travel limit between steps.
Press the ENTER or USE Key to save the datum location and return to
Datum and the Z axis retract position have now been established.
Using an electronic edge finder
When the SET DATUM dialogue is first opened, the DATUM
NUMBER field is highlighted. Enter a new datum number, or select a
number that is to be modified.
When a DATUM field is selected (X, Y or Z), the Probe softkey is
enabled. This allows the operator to set the datum using an
electronic edge finder.
Each datum has its own retract position. When a new
datum is selected, that datum’s retract position will be
When the probe key is selected, the electronic edge
finder is automatically selected. The radius of the tip must
first be entered into the Job Setup dialogue.