Apple Pages 2 User Manual

Page 63

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Chapter 3

Formatting a Document’s Layout and Table of Contents


After you have created the number of columns you want, you can resize them on the

fly using the document rulers, rather than entering column and gutter width values in

the Layout Inspector.

To adjust column widths using the rulers:


Click View in the toolbar, and choose Show Rulers.


Drag the left or right edges of the gray gutter areas just below the horizontal ruler.

The Layout Inspector button

Select a column or
gutter width and type
a new value.

Set the space between
the current layout and
the preceding and
following layouts.

Deselect to set unequal
column widths.

Set the number
of columns.

Start the current
layout at the top
of a page.

Set the margins for the
current layout.

The white areas below the
ruler denote the text area
within columns.

The gray areas denote
the column gutters.