Sorting cells – Apple Pages 2 User Manual

Page 180

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Chapter 8

Creating Tables


Select the Number Format checkbox, and then use the fields below it to define the

number format. The format you define is applied to values in the selected cell(s).

To edit a value in a cell that has a number format:


Select the cell.


Click in the cell or press Return or Enter. The Formula Editor opens, displaying the

value but not its formatting.


Change the value displayed in the Formula Editor.

Note: If the number format includes the % suffix, the decimal version of the number

appears in the Formula Editor, as the example above shows.


To retain the new value, click the Accept button in the Formula Editor, press Return, or

click outside the editor.

To cancel your change, click the Cancel button in the Formula Editor or press Esc.

To remove a number format from a cell:


Select the cell, and then deselect the Number Format checkbox in the Numbers pane

of the Table Inspector. The number remains, but its formatting is removed.

Sorting Cells

You can sort some or all the rows in a column in ascending or descending order. Rows

containing cells being sorted are reordered. Header cells aren’t sorted.

To sort:


If you want to sort all the cells in a column, select the column, a cell in the column, or

a column header.

If you want to sort only some of the cells in a column, select those cells.

Rows containing the selection will be reordered.


Open the Table Inspector. Click Inspector in the toolbar (or choose View > Show

Inspector), and then click the Table Inspector button.

Make changes.

Cancel button
Discard changes.

Accept button
Save changes.