Editing specific predrawn shapes – Apple Pages 2 User Manual

Page 162

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Chapter 7

Changing Object Properties

After a shape is editable, you can use the Smooth Path and Sharpen Path commands

without making the shape editable again.

Editing Specific Predrawn Shapes

Some predrawn shapes have special built-in editing controls that you can use in

addition to those described above.

To edit a rounded rectangle:


Drag the circular control to the left to straighten the corners and to the right to round


To edit single and double arrows:


Use the three special controls to increase or decrease the tail’s length and width

without changing the shape of the arrowhead.

To edit a star:


When you select a star shape, a slider appears. Drag the slider to increase or decrease

the number of points in the star.

Drag to straighten or
round the corner.

Drag to change
the tail length.

Drag to change the
width of the tail or
the arrowhead.