Apple Pages 2 User Manual
Page 249

Styles drawer 27
subscript 79
superscript 79
symbols, inserting in text 84
tab icon 25
adding rows and columns 171
deleting rows and columns 172
editing content 169
formulas 183
header rows and columns 172
number of rows and columns 172
placing 126, 166
setting defaults 239
table cells, aligning text 91
table cells, autofilling 182
table cells
automatically fit contents 175
deleting contents 169
formatting borders 176
formatting numbers 178
inset margins 176
merging 173
resizing 174
selecting 167
selecting borders 168
splitting 174
text alignment 175
Table Inspector 170
table of contents
formatting 77
generating 76
pane 60
changing decimal 95
changing default 94
tab stops
alignment 91
alignment and spacing 88
automatic substitution 87
capitalization 79
color 82
copying 48
cutting 48
deleting 48
formatting 80
plain 232
raising or lowering 79
RTF format 232
shadows 82
size 81
strikethrough lines 82
underlines 82
text box
aligning text 91
defining defaults 238
formatting 103
linked 100
Text Inspector
List pane 117
Tabs pane 94, 95
Text pane 88
text placeholders. See placeholder text
text wrapping 136
three-dimensional charts 217
thumbnails 48
tiered numbers 120
time field 68
tinted image fill 150
toolbar 30
tracking 87
typography settings 81, 87
Typography window 87