Step 5:edit your document, Step 5: edit your document – Apple Pages 2 User Manual
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Chapter 2
Creating a Document Using the Pages Templates
You can turn alignment guides and size and position tags on or off in Pages
preferences. You can also make alignment guides appear only when object edges are
aligned, or only when object centers are aligned.
When you change alignment guide and tag settings in Pages preferences, the new
settings apply to all documents viewed in Pages, until you change the settings again.
To change the behavior of alignment guides and tags displayed when you move
Choose Pages > Preferences, and click General.
To turn off size and position tags, deselect “Editing: Show size and position when
moving objects.”
To turn off the guides that appear when an object’s center aligns with another object
or the center of the page, deselect “Alignment Guides: Show guides at object center.”
To turn on the alignment guides that appear when an object’s edges align with
another object or the center of the page, select “Alignment Guides: Show guides at
object edges.”
To change the color of alignment guides:
In Pages preferences, click General, click the Alignment Guides color well, and select a
color in the Colors window.
Locking Graphics to the Page
After you’ve placed graphics exactly where you want them on the page, you can lock
them to that position to prevent them from being moved accidentally as you work.
To lock a graphic to its position on the page:
Select the graphic and choose Arrange > Lock.
You cannot modify a graphic that has been locked to its position on the page. To
unlock a graphic, choose Arrange > Unlock.
Step 5: Edit Your Document
After you’ve typed some text in your document, you may want to delete or rearrange
(copy and paste) parts of it, check your spelling, find and replace specific words or
phrases with new text, or use comments to make notes to yourself or collect
information from readers.