Apple Pages 2 User Manual
Page 134

Chapter 6
Working With Graphics and Other Media
 To constrain the object’s proportions as it expands or shrinks, press the Shift key as
you drag.
For more information about resizing and changing the contour of shapes, see
“Drawing and Editing Shapes” on page 158.
To rotate an object:
Select the object.
Hold down the Command key and move the pointer toward an active selection
handle until it changes to a curved, double-headed arrow.
Drag a selection handle to rotate the object.
To rotate a shape but keep its text horizontal:
After rotating the shape, choose Format > Shape > Reset Bounding Box.
To flip objects horizontally or vertically:
Select the object, and then choose Arrange > Flip Horizontally or Flip Vertically.
If you frequently flip objects, you can add the Flip Vertical and Flip Horizontal buttons
to the toolbar. To learn about customizing the toolbar, see “The Toolbar” on page 30.
To move a fixed object in front or in back of text or another object on the page:
Select the object you want to move.
Choose Arrange > Bring Forward or Send Backward.
Repeat step 2 until the object is in the desired layer.
To move an object to the very top or bottom of the stack, choose Arrange > Bring to
Front or Send to Back.
If you frequently layer objects on the page, you can add the Front, Back, Forward, and
Backward buttons to the toolbar to work more efficiently. To learn about customizing
the toolbar, see “The Toolbar” on page 30.
To select a fixed object that’s behind text:
Place the pointer outside the text area and drag across the page until the object’s
selection handles appear.
Note: If clicking an object doesn’t select it, or if it has blue selection handles, it’s a
master object. To read about master objects, see “Placing Master Objects” on