Apple Pages 2 User Manual

Page 221

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Chapter 10

Personalizing Documents With Address Book Data



In the dialog that appears, select “Place merge results in a new document” to create a

new document that contains a section for each contact in the group. Otherwise,

select “Send merge results to printer” to print a personalized copy of the document for

each contact in the group.

The original document is not affected by the merge. You can reuse it for additional

merges as required.

To insert recipient data for contacts in multiple cards:


Open a document that contains recipient fields.


Select the Address Book cards you want to use, and drag them to a recipient field.


In the dialog that appears, click “Place merge results in a new document” to create a

new document that contains a section for each contact. Otherwise, click “Send merge

results to printer” to print a personalized copy of the document for each contact.

The original document is not affected by the merge. You can reuse it for additional

merges as required.

To insert data you type into Address Book fields:


When you want to use contact information that isn’t in Address Book or a vCard, click

an Address Book field and type the data you want to use. The Address Book field is

replaced by the text you type.


To retain the version of the document containing Address Book fields you’ve

eliminated, choose File > Save As to save your changed document as a new file.

If you don’t need to save your changes, simply choose Edit > Undo Typing to restore

the original Address Book fields.