Setting paragraph fill colors, Putting text inside a shape – Apple Pages 2 User Manual

Page 102

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Chapter 4

Formatting Text and Paragraphs


Select the destination point and choose Edit > Paste.

Note: If you copy and paste a single linked box, you will create a single unlinked text

box, identical to the one you copied.

To select only the text in all the linked text boxes:


Select text in the first box, and then press Command-A.

Setting Paragraph Fill Colors

For some designs, it may be easier to highlight text by placing a paragraph fill color

behind the text. When you place a paragraph fill color behind text, the color extends

between the layout margins and moves with the text.

To place a paragraph fill color behind text:


Select the paragraph or paragraphs to which you want to add the fill color.


Click Inspector in the toolbar (or choose View > Show Inspector), click the Text

Inspector button, and then click More.


In the More pane of the Text Inspector, select the Paragraph Fill checkbox to place a

fill color behind the text.


Click the Fill color well and select a color in the Colors window (for information about

the Colors window, see “Using Color and Image Fills” on page 145).

Putting Text Inside a Shape

If you want to create callouts or sidebars that are not rectangular, you can place text

inside a shape. All shapes, except lines, can contain text.

To add text to a shape:


Place a shape where you want it on the page. (To learn about adding shapes, see

“Adding Shapes, Tables, and Charts” on page 125.)


Double-click the shape and type the text you want. If the text extends beyond the

border of the shape, a clipping indicator appears.

Select a fill color.

Select to place a fill
color behind text.