AMD Geode SC1201 User Manual

Page 211

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AMD Geode™ SC1200/SC1201 Processor Data Book


Core Logic Module - Bridge, GPIO, and LPC Registers - Function 0


Index 89h

General Purpose Timer 1 Control Register (R/W)

Reset Value: 00h


General Purpose Timer 1 TImebase. Selects timebase for General Purpose Timer 1 (F0 Index 88h).

0: 1 second.

1: 1 millisecond.


Re-trigger General Purpose Timer 1 on User Defined Device 3 (UDEF3) Activity.

0: Disable.

1: Enable.

Any access to the configured (memory or I/O) address range for UDEF3 (configured in F0 Index C8h and CEh) reloads
General Purpose Timer 1.


Re-trigger General Purpose Timer 1 on User Defined Device 2 (UDEF2) Activity.

0: Disable.

1: Enable.

Any access to the configured (memory or I/O) address range for UDEF2 (configured in F0 Index C4h and CDh) reloads
General Purpose Timer 1.


Re-trigger General Purpose Timer 1 on User Defined Device 1 (UDEF1) Activity.

0: Disable.

1: Enable.

Any access to the configured (memory or I/O) address range for UDEF1 (configured in F0 Index C0h and CCh) reloads
General Purpose Timer 1.


Re-trigger General Purpose Timer 1 on Keyboard or Mouse Activity.

0: Disable.

1: Enable.

Any access to the keyboard or mouse I/O address range listed below reloads General Purpose Timer 1:

Keyboard Controller: I/O Ports 060h/064h.

COM1: I/O Port 3F8h-3FFh (if F0 Index 93h[1:0] = 10 this range is included).

COM2: I/O Port 2F8h-2FFh (if F0 Index 93h[1:0] = 11 this range is included).


Re-trigger General Purpose Timer 1 on Parallel/Serial Port Activity.

0: Disable.

1: Enable.

Any access to the parallel or serial port I/O address range listed below reloads the General Purpose Timer 1:

LPT1: I/O Port 3BCh-3BEh.

LPT2: I/O Port 378h-37Fh.

COM1: I/O Port 3F8h-3FFh (if F0 Index 93h[1:0] = 10 this range is excluded).

COM2: I/O Port 2F8h-2FFh (if F0 Index 93h[1:0] = 11 this range is excluded).

COM3: I/O Port 3E8h-3EFh.

COM4: I/O Port 2E8h-2EFh.


Re-trigger General Purpose Timer 1 on Floppy Disk Activity.

0: Disable.

1: Enable.

Any access to the floppy disk drive address ranges listed below reloads General Purpose Timer 1:

Primary floppy disk: I/O Port 3F2h-3F5h, 3F7h

Secondary floppy disk: I/O Port 372h-375h, 377h

The active floppy disk drive is configured via F0 Index 93h[7].


Re-trigger General Purpose Timer 1 on Primary Hard Disk Activity.

0: Disable.

1: Enable.

Any access to the primary hard disk address range selected in F0 Index 93h[5], reloads General Purpose Timer 1.

Table 6-29. F0: PCI Header/Bridge Configuration Registers for GPIO and LPC Support (Continued)



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