Section 9. maintenance, 1 moisture protection, 2 replacing the internal battery – Campbell Scientific CR1000 Measurement and Control System User Manual

Page 417

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Section 9. Maintenance

Temperature and humidity can affect the performance of the CR1000. The
internal lithium battery must be replaced periodically.

9.1 Moisture Protection

When humidity tolerances are exceeded and condensation occurs, damage to
CR1000 electronics can result. Effective humidity control is the responsibility of
the user.

Internal CR1000 module moisture is controlled at the factory by sealing the
module with a packet of silica gel inside. The desiccant is replaced whenever the
CR1000 is repaired at Campbell Scientific. The module should not be opened by
the user except to replace the lithium coin cell providing back up power to the
clock and SRAM. Repeated disassembly of the CR1000 will degrade the seal,
leading to potential moisture problems.

Adequate desiccant should be placed in the instrumentation enclosure to prevent
corrosion on the CR1000 wiring panel.

9.2 Replacing the Internal Battery

Caution Fire, explosion, and severe-burn hazard! Misuse or improper
installation of the lithium battery can cause severe injury. Do not recharge,
disassemble, heat above 100°C (212°F), solder directly to the cell, incinerate, or
expose contents to water. Dispose of spent lithium batteries properly.

The CR1000 contains a lithium battery that operates the clock and SRAM when
the CR1000 is not powered. The CR1000 does not draw power from the lithium
battery while it is powered by a 12-Vdc supply. In a CR1000 stored at room
temperature, the lithium battery should last approximately 3 years (less at
temperature extremes). In installations where the CR1000 remains powered, the
lithium cell should last much longer.

While powered from an external source, the CR1000 measures the voltage of the
lithium battery daily. This voltage is displayed in the Status table (see the
appendix Status Table and Settings

(p. 527)

). A new battery supplies approximately

3.6 Vdc. The CR1000 Status table has a Lithium Battery field. This field
shows lithium-battery voltage. Replace the battery when voltage is approximately
2.7 Vdc. If the lithium cell is removed or allowed to discharge below the safe
level, the CR1000 will still operate correctly while powered. Without the lithium
battery, the clock will reset and data are lost when power is removed.

• The CR1000 is partially disassembled to replace the lithium cell. See figure

Loosening Thumbscrews

(p. 418)

through figure Remove and Replace Battery



When the lithium battery is removed, the user program and most settings

are maintained. Items not retained include

o Run-now and run-on power-up settings.

o Routing and communications logs (relearned without user intervention).