3 pulse measurement tips – Campbell Scientific CR1000 Measurement and Control System User Manual

Page 317

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Section 8. Operation

317 Pulse Measurement Tips

• The PulseCount() instruction, whether measuring pulse inputs on pulse

channels (P1 through P2) or on digital I/O channels (C1C8), uses
dedicated 24-bit counters to accumulate all counts over the user-specified
scan interval. The resolution of pulse counters is one count or 1 Hz.
Counters are read at the beginning of each scan and then cleared. Counters
will overflow if accumulated counts exceed 16,777,216, resulting in
erroneous measurements.

• Counts are the preferred PulseCount() output option when measuring the

number of tips from a tipping bucket rain gage or the number of times a door
opens. Many pulse output sensors, such as anemometers and flow meters, are
calibrated in terms of frequency (Hz

(p. 456)

) so are usually measured using the

PulseCount() frequency option.

• Accuracy of PulseCount() is limited by a small scan-interval error of ±(3

ppm of scan interval + 10 µs), plus the measurement resolution error of ±1 /
(scan interval). The sum is essentially ±1 / (scan interval).

• Use the LLAC4

(p. 560)

module to convert non-TTL level signals, including

low-level ac signals, to TTL levels for input into digital I/O channels C1

• When digital I/O channels C1C8 measure switch-closure inputs, pull-up

resistors may be required. Figure Connecting Switch Closures to Digital I/O

(p. 318)

show how pull-up resistors can be incorporated into a wiring scheme.

• As shown in figure Connecting Switch Closures to Digital I/O

(p. 318),


I/O inputs, with regard to the 6.2-V Zener diode, have an input resistance of
100 kΩ with input voltages < 6.2 Vdc. For input voltages ≥ 6.2 Vdc, the
inputs have an input resistance of only 220 Ω.

FIGURE. Connecting Switch Closures to Digital I/O

Figure 100: Connecting switch closures to digital I/O