5 declared sequences, 1 data tables, Crbasic example 13. foreign-language support – Campbell Scientific CR1000 Measurement and Control System User Manual

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Section 7. Installation



CRBasic Example 13. Foreign‐Language Support 

‘Declare a constant to concatenate six non-English characters


PTempUnits = CHR(HexToDec ("C9"))+ CHR(HexToDec ("E3"))+ CHR(HexToDec("CA")) _

+ CHR(HexToDec ("CF")) + CHR(HexToDec("B6")) + CHR(HexToDec ("C8"))

‘Declare a constant to concatenate four non-English characters


PTempAlias = CHR(HexToDec ("CE"))+ CHR(HexToDec ("C2")) + CHR(HexToDec("B6")) _

+ CHR(HexToDec ("C8"))

‘Declare as Alias and Units non-English words concatenated above


PTemp = PTempAlias


PTemp = PTempUnits Declared Sequences

Declaration sequences include DataTable() / EndTable and Sub() / EndSub.
Certain sequences that may be incidental to a specific application also need to be
declared. These include ShutDown / ShutdownEnd, DialSequence() /
EndDialSequence, ModemHangup() / EndModemHangup, and
WebPageBegin() / WebPageEnd sequences. Declaration sequences can be

1. prior to BeginProg

2. after EndSequence or an infinite Scan() / NextScan and before EndProg or


3. immediately following SlowSequence. SlowSequence code starts executing

after any declaration sequence. Only declaration sequences can occur after
EndSequence and before SlowSequence or EndProg. Data Tables

Data are stored in tables as directed by the CRBasic program. A data table is
created by a series of CRBasic instructions entered after variable declarations but
before the BeginProg instruction. These instructions include:


'Output Trigger Condition(s)

'Output Processing Instructions


A data table is essentially a file that resides in CR1000 memory. The file is
written to each time data are directed to that file. The trigger that initiates data
storage is tripped either by the CR1000's clock, or by an event, such as a high
temperature. Up to 30 data tables can be created by the program. The data tables
may store individual measurements, individual calculated values, or summary
data such as averages, maxima, or minima to data tables.

Each data table is associated with overhead information that becomes part of the
ASCII file header (first few lines of the file) when data are downloaded to a PC.
Overhead information includes:

• table format
• datalogger type and operating system version,