Crbasic example 21. evaluation of integers – Campbell Scientific CR1000 Measurement and Control System User Manual

Page 144

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Section 7. Installation





Fa = 0
Fb = 0.125
L = 126
Ba = Fa

'This will set Ba = False (0)

Bb = Fb

'This will Set Bb = True (-1)

Bc = L

'This will Set Bc = True (-1)



FLOAT from LONG or Boolean

When a LONG or Boolean is converted to FLOAT, the integer value is loaded
into the FLOAT. Booleans are converted to -1 or 0. LONG integers greater than
24 bits (16,777,215; the size of the mantissa for a FLOAT) will lose resolution
when converted to FLOAT.

LONG from FLOAT or Boolean

When converted to Long, Boolean is converted to -1 or 0. When a FLOAT is
converted to a LONG, it is truncated. This conversion is the same as the INT
function (Arithmetic Functions

(p. 497)

). The conversion is to an integer equal to or

less than the value of the float (e.g., 4.6 becomes 4, -4.6 becomes -5).

If a FLOAT is greater than the largest allowable LONG (+2,147,483,647), the
integer is set to the maximum. If a FLOAT is less than the smallest allowable
LONG (-2,147,483,648), the integer is set to the minimum.

Integers in Expressions

LONGs are evaluated in expressions as integers when possible. CRBasic example
Evaluation of Integers

(p. 144)

illustrates evaluation of integers as LONGs and


CRBasic Example 21. Evaluation of Integers 


X, I As Long


I = 126
X = (I+3) * 3.4

'I+3 is evaluated as an integer, then converted to FLOAT before

'it is multiplied by 3.4



Constants Conversion

Constants are not declared with a data type, so the CR1000 assigns the data type
as needed. If a constant (either entered as a number or declared with CONST) can
be expressed correctly as an integer, the compiler will use the type that is most
efficient in each expression. The integer version is used if possible, i.e., if the
expression has not yet encountered a FLOAT. CRBasic example Constants to

(p. 145)

lists a programming case wherein a value normally

considered an integer (10) is assigned by the CR1000 to be As FLOAT.