4 rs-232 sensors, Figure 8: pulse input wiring -- anemometer switch – Campbell Scientific CR1000 Measurement and Control System User Manual

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Section 4. Quickstart Tutorial




channel. Connect the other wire to a pulse channel. Sometimes the sensor will
require power from the CR1000, so there will be two more wires – one of which
is always ground. Connect power ground to a G channel. Do not confuse the
pulse wire with the positive power wire, or damage to the sensor or CR1000 may
result. Some switch-closure sensors may require a pull-up resistor. Consult
figure Connecting Switch Closures to Digital I/O

(p. 318)

for information on use of

pull-up resistors.

Figure 8: Pulse input wiring -- anemometer switch RS-232 Sensors

The CR1000 has 6 ports available for RS-232 input as shown in figure Location
of RS-232 Ports

(p. 41).

Note With the correct adaptor, the CS I/O port can be used as an RS-232 I/O

As indicated in figure Use of RS-232 and Digital I/O when Reading RS-232

(p. 41),

RS-232 sensors can be connected to the RS-232 port or to digital

I/O port pairs. Ports can be set up with various baud rates, parity options, stop-bit
options, and so forth as defined in CRBasic Editor Help.