6 ancillary options – Triton Perspective User Manual
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Choose from the following options using the drop-down list:
Last: The last value to fall in the bin being processed.
Max: The deepest value to fall in the bin being processed.
Min: The shallowest value to fall in the bin being processed.
First: The first value to fall in the bin being processed.
Average: The average of all the values that fall in the bin.
Constrain to map view:
Only process the data that falls inside the current map window. This can be useful for quick
previews of grid results or for generating small grid files that are quick to work with.
Depth limit:
Choose the correct range for the data. If the data falls both deeper and shallower than 2000m
choose > 2000m.
Fill Filter:
Turn this on to fill gaps between data points, the two settings allow either a Median or
Inverse Distance filter to be used to compute the value of the depth being created. Also the
size (number of bins) East-West and North-South that will be used.
Smooth Filter:
A low-pass filter that can be applied to the DTM. The variables are similar to the Fill Filter.
Use this filter with care, useful data can easily be removed!
Hit 'Next' to continue to the Ancillary Options dialog.
5.2.6 Ancillary Options
This page of the processing wizard as shown below gives the user the option to indicate the
vessel geometry, whether to include FTS (footprint time series) data in the GSF file, and
whether to choose to generate an HTF file as well.