Nterpretation, Ptions, 1 bathy profile – Triton Perspective User Manual

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F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1

Here the pipper is located at the start of the navigation line for line BRDG026.xtf.

5.10 Interpretation Options

5.10.1 Bathy Profile

Profiles can be generated once a DTM layer is created or loaded into the project. The profile

tool is launched from the toolbar button

or by selecting 'Bathy Profile' from the

Modality menu.

Selecting 'Bathy Profile' or the toolbar button will change the cursor mode so that it can be
used to select a line in the map view, to see a profile of the data that line intersects.

To draw a profile line in the map view, left-click at the desired start point and hold the mouse
button down while the cursor is dragged to the desired end point. The line drawn will appear
in the map view as shown in the image below:

Note that the line drawn also doubles as a measurement tool
and the length of the drawn line is displayed automatically
in the Measure Tab, as shown below: