Xport, Ethods, 3 export methods – Triton Perspective User Manual
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P a g e
F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1
The database refresh tool gives the user the option to import files into the project, based on
either time or location. It is important to note that instead of just being an import tool, the
database refresh tool also removes layers from your project that do not meet the search
Database settings need to be defined prior to using this toolbar button to setup the data
directory and to setup the query parameters.
To use this tool, zoom into a region of interest in Perspective Map and select the Database
Refresh toolbar button. This will open the following window:
The search parameters shown were copied from the Database settings tab, but can be changed
here for quick access to the search parameters.
Using the parameters shown above, selecting ‘OK’ will clear the project window and load the
mosaic and DTM files (all layers selected) in the project folder that intersect the viewport and
was collected since May 1, 2009.
Selecting the checkbox in the lower left corner will not open this window upon selecting the
Database Refresh toolbar button and instead will use the search criteria entered in the
Database settings tab.
2.3 Export Methods
There are a few options for exporting data from Perspective Map. Export file types include:
GeoTiff file