Triton Perspective User Manual
Page 35

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P a g e
F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1
or the window menu option:
File > Import > GeoTIFF File.
Both options will open a file browser to locate a GeoTiff.
Once selected the projection for the image will need to be defined if this was not previously
set in the Projections Tab for the Application Settings or for a previous background import.
Perspective will remember your import projection after the first image is imported so the user
will not need to repeat the projection wizard for every background file.
GeoTiff Data Node Options: By right-clicking on the GeoTiff Data node, the following
options exist:
Color Settings: Allows the user to change the color
characteristics of the GeoTiff layer.
Add: Allows the user to add other GeoTiff files to an existing
Info: Access XML settings file for viewing the projection,
resolution, file path directory of the background data, and other
Zoom to Extents: Quick zoom option which zooms to the full