5 waterfall lut – Triton Perspective User Manual

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Reset: Allows the user to return the histogram to the original spread that was set during

creation of the image.

6.10.5 Waterfall LUT

The imagery color settings can be changed for the waterfall viewer by selecting the LUT

toolbar button

This will open the following window:

Options available in the Color Settings window

Gamma: The gamma of an image is a
measure of its contrast and brightness. By
correcting the gamma, you can adjust these
two elements in unison.

Brightness: The user to change the
brightness of the image. A positive
number will correspond to a brighter
image, and a negative number will
correspond to a darker image.

Contrast: Allows the user to change the
contrast of the image. The contrast of an
image is the difference in brightness
between due adjacent pixels.

Invert: Checking the box next to invert, will invert the color scheme that is applied.

The button next to the color bar opens the Gradient Manager shown below:

In this dialog the user can change the Lutz table applied and the algorithm used in the
application of the color spectrum. The user may also invert the application of the color tables
by checking the box next to Invert within this dialog.