Triton Perspective User Manual

Page 36

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extent of selected GeoTiff.

GeoTiff Options: Right-click on the imported GeoTiff, for the following options:

Color Settings: Allows the user to change the color characteristics of the GeoTiff layer.

Projection: Allows the user to change the GeoTiff projection.

Tag Info: Displays the GeoTiff world file information as shown below:

Remove: Removes the selected GeoTiff file from the project.

Info: Access the XML settings file for viewing the projection, resolution, file path
directory of the background data, and other information.

Zoom to Extents: Quick zoom option which zooms to the full extent of selected
GeoTiff. Background ENC Charts

To bring a background S57 ENC (Electronic Nautical Chart) into the project, you can either
right-click on the Layer node in the file tree and select ‘Add’

Background > ENC Data or the window menu option File > Import > ENC (S57) File.

Both options will open the ENC Search

Pressing the Import button will open a file
browser to locate a S57 .000 or .7cb file.