Mport, Avigation, 2 import navigation data – Triton Perspective User Manual
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4.2 Import Navigation Data
Navigation data that Perspective works with comes embedded in raw survey data files and do
not exist as stand-alone files. Currently, the only raw survey data format supported by
Perspective is the XTF format and the navigation data must be stored within the XTF file for
Perspective to read and process it.
Navigation data extracted from the raw data files are automatically separated and sorted into
the navigation data types available in the navigation file tree section. The navigation File
Tree structure has several options for changing the way the navigation lines appear in the
Map View and several ways to change processing and zoom options.
For Navigation Tree details, see Section: 1.3.6.
In addition to importing raw data files from the methods described in the Import Methods
section, navigation data can be added directly from the File Tree by right-clicking on any of
the navigation layer nodes and selecting 'Add'. An example is shown below:
Selecting this option will bring in all the data from the selected raw file, including the
navigation data, and launch the processing wizard.
Selecting a navigation line in the File Tree will also highlight that navigation line in the Map
View display as a thicker light blue line as shown on the next page: