Triton Perspective User Manual

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Waterfall TVG: Applies a user defined TVG function to the waterfall display. Details of the
TVG options are discussed in Section 6.10.6.

Visualization Options

Color Settings: Allows the user to change the color characteristics of the sidescan layer.

Histogram: This is the graphical representation of the imagery signal level in dB versus the
occurrence of that dB within the image.

Interpretation Options

Blink Comparator: Visual comparison of two overlapping layers is made easy with this tool.
The 'Blink Comparator' allows the user to quickly turn on/off a layer or can be set to cycle a
layer on/off to help identify differences in the layers. The options available in the 'Blink
Comparator' are described in detail at Section 6.11.1.

Statistics: This gives an overview of the data used to create the image including coverage
and line statistics. Details of the statistics tool and the results displayed are presented in
Section 6.11.2.

Targeting (TargetOne): An extensive targeting module for extracting targets from waterfall
data and mosaics. Options available with TargetOne are presented in Section 6.11.3

Classify (SeaClass): Extensive classification module for determining bottom types from
sidescan mosaic files and from GeoTiffs. Options available with SeaClass are presented in
Section 8.3.